Low-Impact Tastiness
If like most of us, you've spent the last decade eating popcorn only in the form of movie or microwave, you're missing out. Popcorn is cheap, considering how long it lasts in its unpopped state; and tasty, considering what you can do with it.
Consider, then, duck fat popcorn and cheap sparkling wine.
Melt a healthy tablespoon of duck fat (home-rendered or purchased) over medium-low heat in a medium saucepan with a lid. Add enough popcorn kernels to cover the bottom of the pan. Cover and shake over heat, venting regularly to release steam. When popping slows or the lid pops off, remove from heat. Sprinkle with salt and your choice of seasoning, replace lid and shake, flipping upside down and back. Pour into a bowl (if you can wait), and pop some cheap bubbly.
Some notes:
*Rendered duck fat can be bought from speciality food retailers. You can make your own by trimming the excess skin/fat from a duck before roasting. Render the fat in a small pan over low heat on the stove. Filter through cheesecloth and store in the fridge. Use to roast potatoes, saute vegetables, and by all means, pop some pocorn.
*Some good, cheap bubblies:
- Domaine St. Vincent: a fantastic $10 sparkler from New Mexico. The second label of the venerable pinot/chardonnay Gruet.
- Grand Imperial: French, but not made in Champagne. Ridiculously inexpensive if you can find it, and plenty tasty. The ultimate sparkler for mimosas.
- Marquis de Perlade: A sparkler from Alsace. Slightly sweeter than the two mentioned above, but still dry and with lovely, creamy, cremant-style bubbles. Usually available at Whole Foods.
- Cristalino Brut: Available just about everywhere. Spanish sparkler so good it was served at my wedding. Don't you dare pay more for $9 for the stuff.
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